RWE Renewables Australia respectfully acknowledges the Wulli Wulli people, the Traditional Owners of the lands where the Theodore Wind Farm is proposed, and pay our respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging.
Project information
I want to...
The proposal
RWE Renewables Australia has submitted a Development Application for a renewable energy project near Theodore, in the Banana Shire in central Queensland.
The proposed project would incorporate a wind farm with up to 170 turbines and a battery storage facility. It may also incorporate a solar farm within the project boundary.
The proposal would generate enough electricity to power about 500,000 Queensland homes – the equivalent of powering all private dwellings in the Banana Shire close to 70 times, or the city of Rockhampton more than 15 times.
Located about 22 kilometres east of Theodore, 50 kilometres south-west of Biloela and 150 kilometres south- west of Gladstone, the project investigation area consists of 46,000 hectares. The project’s footprint is expected to occupy less than 3 per cent of this area.
Construction of the project is expected to take up to four years and require a workforce up to 500 people at peak periods. RWE is committed to prioritising the use of regional Queensland businesses and employees wherever possible throughout the construction and operation of the wind farm.
Project location

Click on the image to zoom
In addition to this construction workforce a project of this size will generate substantial economic benefits for the local area. As the project progresses throughout the planning and development phase we will create a register on this site to enable expressions of interest for provision of goods and/or services.
We have established a Sponsorship Fund for the development and planning phase of the project and will be implementing a Community Benefit Program if the project proceeds to construction. This will incorporate a Community Benefit Fund of at least $500,000 per year - $17.5 million for the operational life of the wind farm – and will be administered by a community committee.
Project status: Studies and investigations finalised and state Development Application (DA) submitted.
Operation: Targeting 2027 for initial operations. Expected to be fully operational in 2029.

Facts and figures
turbines, up to 270m high
for initial operations
of site investigation area
installed capacity
Queensland homes powered
of sponsorship to date
Estimated project timeline

Click on the image to zoom
We have a dedicated project team out and about in the Theodore community on a regular basis. We work from community locations including local cafes and the town hall, and are happy to visit community groups and organisations at their place of operation. We have had two rounds of community drop-in sessions in 2023 and 2024 – as well as shopfronts and café sessions – and have more scheduled for 2025.
You are welcome to contact the project team any time on 1800 879 435 or email us here.

Click on the image to zoom
Community Benefit Fund
In line with our development approach, community philosophy and industry best practice, RWE will establish a Community Benefit Fund of at least $500,000 per year – equating to about $17.5 million across the operational life of the wind farm – once the project moves into the construction phase.
This fund will be administered by a local community committee, who will be responsible for deciding how the money is spent. We want to hear your suggestions about how this fund can make a positive difference to your community. Please call 1800 879 435 or email.
Sponsorship fund now open
RWE Renewables Australia has implemented a sponsorship fund for the proposed Theodore Wind Farm, which is currently open for applications and will remain active throughout the planning and approvals process. More than $30,000 has been approved to date. If you would like to apply for sponsorship please download our application form here.
Sponsorship distributed to date includes:
$5,000 | Theodore Junior Roosters Rugby League Club |
$5,000 | Theodore Centenary Celebrations |
$5,000 | Theodore State School P&C |
$5,000 | Camboon Campdraft |
$5,000 | Theodore Show |
$3,000 | Theodore Musuem |
$3,000 | Bulls N Barrels Bonanza |
$3,000 | Moura Marlins |
Development Application
The Development Application (DA) for the proposed Theodore Wind Farm was submitted to the Queensland state planning authority in late September 2024 and was advertised late last year. The application can be viewed at SARA application material | Planning.
News and events
9 September 2024 - Theodore Wind Farm newsletter edition 2
12 June 2024 – Have Your Say on the Theodore Wind Farm - NOW CLOSED.
Have your say on the Theodore Wind Farm EPBC Referral
The proposed Theodore Wind Farm (the Project) is currently undergoing consideration by the Federal Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) as part of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act referral stage. This is a Federal Government requirement and determines if the Project is likely to have a significant impact on any species of national environmental significance.
For 10 business days, starting on 11 June 2024 and ending on 25 June 2024, you have the opportunity to review the Project details and share your thoughts. While there is no expectation or requirement to participate, your comments are valuable to the decision-making process. Please note that if the Project is declared a controlled action there will likely be further opportunities to comment through the EPBC portal. RWE is always open to receiving commentary directly.
How to comment:
Visit this link to submit your comments to the EPBC referral process.
What to consider when commenting:
The Federal Minister for the Environment and Water uses comments that relate directly to protected matters and whether the Project should be a controlled action, so please consider the following when commenting:
- Why you believe the Project is or isn't a controlled action
- Whether the Project has an impact on protected matters
- How the Project will have that impact
- Which parts of the Project will have an impact on a particular protected matter
- The source of key information to support your views, if possible.
The DCCEEW website offers further guidance on the EPBC referral process and how to effectively submit your comments.
Additional Resources:RWE would be happy to discuss any project queries or questions directly. If you would like to contact us, please fill out the enquiry form or call the number listed.
If you would like to visit us in person, we have a shopfront available in Theodore on 13 June 2024 from 7:30am – 12:30pm. We are also happy to conduct individual appointments at your request.
RWE is also looking to conduct further community drop in sessions in the coming months to discuss the EPBC referral and additional periods for comments. The drop in sessions will also provide a forum for general project updates, information and feedback opportunities. -
9 February 2024 – Community drop-in sessions and a community shopfront
We are holding community drop-in sessions this month and are opening a community shopfront. You can read more here:
9 February 2024 - Theodore Wind Farm newsletter edition 1
30 August 2023 – Memorandum of Understanding signed with Stanwell
Strategic partnership with Queensland energy provider
RWE have signed an MoU that will see Stanwell will investigate and assess energy offtakes and potential equity investment in the proposed Theodore Wind Farm.
27 August 2023 – Thank you to everyone who attended our drop-in sessions
It was great to speak to community members at Theodore and Banana about the proposed project, including the proposed turbine layout, agriculture and wind farms, aviation, biodiversity in the proposed project area and more. Some of the information available at the drop-in sessions can be found in our information booklet and we will be holding further drop-in sessions as the project progresses. If you missed out on attending the sessions please contact us for further information.
11 August 2023 – Community drop-in sessions, August 2023
RWE Renewables Australia would like to invite you to drop in to the Theodore and Banana community halls to speak with project team members and technical specialists about the proposed project and view information on a variety of topics, including biodiversity, landscape and visual, traffic and transportation, wind farms and agriculture and more.
Please call in to see us at:
- Friday, August 25, 2023
- RSL Hall, 30 The Boulevard, Theodore
- 2pm-8pm.
- Saturday, August 26, 2023
- Sutherland Hall, 32 Bowen Street, Banana
- 9am-3pm.
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Theodore Wind Farm team
RWE Renewables Australia Pty Ltd.
350 Collins Street
Melbourne, 3000, Australia