RWE is a leading offshore wind developer and operator with more than 20 years of experience and a pipeline spanning five continents.

As of March 2023 we have built and are operating 19 offshore wind farms globally with a total capacity of 3.3GW. We also have many projects under development or construction, including the 1.4GW Sofia Wind Farm in the UK and the licensed 3GW Dogger Bank South project. You can read more about our international offshore projects here.

Australia has close to 34,000 kilometres of coastline. The Global Wind Energy Council states Australia boasts the sixth largest offshore wind technical resource potential in the world, meaning offshore wind will play an important role in Australia’s emerging energy mix. 

An offshore wind farm with three turbines beside a central platform against a blue sky and calm sea.

Our ambition is to support the Australian Government to achieve their net zero target and to assist State Governments to electrify and decarbonise. Additionally, we understand the importance of clean energy jobs in the regions, and believe our experience of transitioning the work forces from traditional energy to clean energy can be utilised to achieve the ‘just transition’ currently needed in Australia.

Our initial focus for offshore wind in Australia is in Victoria, where the Federal Government has declared the first offshore wind zone off the Gippsland coast, and where the State Government has set targets of at least 2GW of offshore wind by 2032 and 9GW by 2040. The Victorian Government has also announced Australia’s first public offshore wind procurement activity, anticipated to take place in 2025.

More about other technologies and our development approach

Our development approach

We have extensive experience and expertise in all areas of the development process.

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RWE Renewables Australia develops, constructs and operates large solar projects.

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Onshore wind

The Australian team is currently working on developing projects in the wind development pipeline.

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Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

Storing energy generated from renewable projects.

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RWE Renewables Australia Pty Ltd.

Suite 5, Level 9
350 Collins Street
Melbourne, 3000, Australia