Wellington Town BESS

RWE Renewables Australia was exploring the possibility of developing a standalone, lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) at Wellington in New South Wales, on a site immediately adjacent to the Wellington Town substation. The entire site was located within the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area and the Central West Catchment Management Authority.

RWE has decided not to proceed with developing the proposed Wellington Town BESS project.

The BESS has been in the EIS preparation phase since July 2023, which has involved undertaking studies, preparing layouts and seeking community opinion. During this phase RWE has also been undertaking financial modelling for the project. Based on the results of the specialist studies completed as part of the EIS, as well as the financial modelling, RWE has decided not to proceed with developing the proposed project.

If you have any queries please contact the project hotline on 1800 867 081 or email us here.

Wellington Town BESS team

RWE Renewables Australia Pty Ltd.

Suite 5, Level 9
350 Collins Street
Melbourne, 3000, Australia